I've been hard at work on another new feature for the site. This time it is an extension to the tag cloud I already have. I've created an image tag cloud.

The basic premise is this, I have tags, Flickr have images tagged, marry the two together and see what I get! Essentially it is a good way to see what images represent my tags, and a good way to find images related to topics / tags I like.

It works by taking each tag from the tag cloud and uses it as a keyword in a search on Flickr. The top result is then used as the image for that tag. I did develop it using the Yahoo Image Search API as a source for the images as well, but their safe search filter is shocking. It still turned up adult content for seemingly innocent words with safe search on!! So I've removed that for now.

In a little more detail, it makes use of the photo search method of the Flickr API. I've got a couple of other little additions I want to make to it, like choosing to view the photo in Flickr or the posts for that tag when clicking an image, and adding the Google image search as an optional source for the photos.

As usual all feedback is greatly appreciated, simply leave a comment and I'll do my best to respond / incorporate it. And if you want more info on the code I'll be happy to share it with you. Hope you enjoy looking at it!