As is customary at this time of the year I've taken a quick look back over what I blogged in 2007. It is a mixed bunch, I went to Hack Day, we nearly got flooded, I developed various bits and pieces, including PhotoWall and Recipe Binder, Dawn got pregnant and had Charlotte(!), I fiddled with Ubuntu, we got a new TV, Wii and laptop, went on holiday in Morzine and Brussels, went to some gigs, redid the Website Validator, discovered Vimeo and Facebook, ditched twitter, went to my sisters wedding and ranted as I do.

So that was some of 2007, but what of 2008? I'm not really one to make New Year resolutions, but after a bit of quick discussion in the pub this lunchtime I've managed to come up with 4! So without further ado:

  • Listen to more podcasts - now I have a decent MP3 player and Dawn won't be traveling to work with me I can listen to more on the train. However I need some help, what are the essential podcasts I should be subscribing to?
  • Climb the stairs at work. Again now I don't have a pregnant wife traveling with me there is no reason I can't climb the 6 flights of stairs instead of getting the lift!
  • Don't become a baby bore. I had things to say before Charlotte was born, and I know people don't want to hear about her all the time (even if she is really cute)!
  • Learn to play the bass guitar - I'm not sure I'll keep this one, but I've put it here as a kind of good intention!

So there we have it, lets see how I do. Podcasts I should subscribe to in the comments please!