If you've not been to my site for a while you won't have noticed that the links to photos and videos no longer point to the pages on my website that used their API's, instead to make things easier they go direct to either Flickr or Vimeo.

Why? Well, for one it means I don't have to maintain these pages. But more importantly I'm going to start making more use of the privacy features of both Flickr and Vimeo. This will mean some photos, and the majority of videos, will only be visible to my contacts on both Flickr and Vimeo. Whilst the Daily Mail / Express would like you to think this is because of “the danger of paedophiles”, it isn't.

The main reason is planning, at some point in the future I'm quite sure Charlotte won't want all of her baby photos and videos to be visible by all, so if I put the relevant privacy controls in place now, I won't have to go through thousands of photos and videos later.

Secondly, particularly in the case of videos, I upload them primairly for backup, secondly for sharing. Most of the videos are only of things friends and family would want to watch, so only letting my contacts view them makes sense. No reason putting them out there when only a few people are actually interested in them.

The same will be true of the photos - whilst I'll leave more of those public than private for now, expect further uploads to start to be restricted, with only the best pictures remaining public. On the flip side for photos not directly related to Charlotte I'll probably leave them fully public more often than not.

So, if you want to keep up to date on our photos and videos you'll need to make sure you're one of my contacts on Flickr and Vimeo; signing up for either site is quick and easy, and once you're signed up just email me your username and I'll add you as a contact.

As always any problems or thoughts leave me a message. (P.S. Comment moderation is back on due to more WOW spam.)